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Enhancing Understanding: How Social Media Transformed My Work-Life Conversations

One of the most unexpected benefits of cultivating a work-related social media presence has been the improvement of my friends and family’s understanding of my profession. Before this, my partner would have struggled to explain my job role. “Something IT” would likely have been her response when asked. Now, however, she directs people to my… Read More »Enhancing Understanding: How Social Media Transformed My Work-Life Conversations

Unexpected Muse: Unlocking Creativity in Unlikely Situations

There’s been significant discourse in the media recently about which environments are most conducive to generating the best ideas. Surprisingly, I’ve found two scenarios to be the most productive, although also inconvenient: Being a regular contributor on LinkedIn and maintaining a daily blogging routine has heightened my awareness about potential content inspirations. This practice not… Read More »Unexpected Muse: Unlocking Creativity in Unlikely Situations

Unleashing the Power of Social Media: My Journey as The Automation Advocate

I’ve really enjoyed my social media journey so far. I’ve posted to my LinkedIn and Blog every working day, I’ve started building my own personal YouTube channel and I’ve recorded 6 episodes of my new Spectrum Digital podcast ‘Automation Generation’. LinkedIn – Blog – Personal YouTube – Podcast YouTube – Please… Read More »Unleashing the Power of Social Media: My Journey as The Automation Advocate

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I’m on leave this week so blogging taken a slight back seat, entertaining and hosting taken the lead. I’m still posting daily on LinkedIn so follow me there for updates!